Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen: causes, diagnosis and treatment

What hurts on the right?

To answer the question of what hurts on the right side under the ribs, you need to know what is located there. Knowing the topography of the internal organs, it is easy to guess what is bothering you.

What is on this side of a person?

The right hypochondrium is the area of ​​the upper floor of the abdomen (there are 3 of them), bounded above by the diaphragm, on the side and below by the edges of the ribs, on the side by a conditional vertical line drawn from the iliac crest. If the right side in front hurts, this may be due to a lesion:

  • skin;
  • muscle tissue;
  • intercostal nerves;
  • liver;
  • biliary tract;
  • duodenum.
  • pancreas.
  • diaphragm.

In addition, pain in the right side may radiate under the ribs in front. The source of the condition is located outside the subcostal region. For example, with gynecological diseases, acute pain often spreads to the right hypochondrium. A similar thing happens with peritonitis, appendicitis, and perforation of the stomach. Only a doctor can determine exactly what it could be.


Diseases leading to pain in the right side in front:

  • skin eczema;
  • myositis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • rib fracture;
  • liver diseases: hepatitis, cirrhosis, malignant neoplasm, parasitic infection of the organ;
  • pathology of the biliary tract: cholecystitis (calculous, calculous);
  • inflammation of the duodenal mucosa and its bulb: duodenitis, bulbitis, ulcer;
  • pancreatic disease: acute and chronic pancreatitis, tumor;
  • diaphragmatitis – inflammation of the diaphragm, herniation in the diaphragm, tumor.

Radiating pain in the front under the right ribs is also possible when the source is outside this area: heart attacks, angina pectoris, perforation, bleeding from the stomach, pneumonia, peritonitis, appendicitis, numerous gynecological pathologies, inflammatory bowel processes, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.

Why does it happen after eating?

The cause of discomfort on the right side can be both diseases and physiological processes. The second group includes increased physical activity for an untrained person. Especially after eating.

The phenomenon is caused by increased blood flow to the liver and stretching of the capsule. In addition, heavy intake of fatty and spicy foods in itself causes increased bile secretion, which can also cause discomfort on the right after eating.

Why might this happen when you inhale?

Mainly from the following conditions:

  1. Pathology of the spine, degenerative diseases (osteochondrosis), intercostal neuralgia.
  2. Pathological conditions of the lungs and pleura: pneumonia and pleurisy.
  3. Late pregnancy.

To determine whether it hurts on the right side when you inhale, you should focus on the presence of fever, shortness of breath, and possible rashes on the surface of the skin.

What else could it be if a woman often has pain in the area of ​​the right side of her lower abdomen?

Sometimes a woman experiences unpleasant sensations in the pelvic organs, which she stubbornly ignores. This is extremely dangerous. Particular attention should be paid to even minor changes in the menstrual cycle. It is possible that internal pathology is developing. In most cases, pain in the right upper abdomen is caused by connective tissue dysplasia of the reproductive organs.

The causes of pain on the right side of the abdomen in a woman can be caused by the formation of tumors, cysts, congenital anatomical anomalies of the uterus and large intestine. When a pregnant woman turns to a doctor for help to find out why her right side hurts so much, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy. If timely surgery is not performed to remove the pathological embryo, the woman will die from complications.

Pain that occurs in the pelvic organs, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, can be associated with inflammatory processes in the reproductive, digestive, endocrine, urinary, and nervous systems. Only an experienced specialist will be able to correctly diagnose by carrying out the necessary diagnostics. Often, delay and ignorance of primary discomfort in the abdominal cavity leads to severe complications of diseases of the urinary and genital organs. Infections develop in an ascending manner, affecting neighboring organs and tissues. Therefore, once the first symptoms appear, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor.

Nature of pain

Pain in the right side, front and side, varies in nature. Let's look at the main types.


Often occurs due to diseases:

  1. Myositis. It is a local inflammation of the skeletal muscles. More often, myositis is of an infectious nature, and an increase in body temperature is possible. As a rule, it occurs after an acute respiratory viral infection or other infection. Myositis of autoimmune origin is possible, for example with systemic lupus erythematosus. It is characterized by increased pain upon palpation of the inflamed area, which can be localized in the right side in front under the ribs.
  2. Duodenitis is an inflammatory disease of the duodenum or its bulb. It occurs due to the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium in a person, or chronic stress and constant poor nutrition.
  3. Acalculous cholecystitis. This is a chronic inflammatory process in the gallbladder, characterized by disruption of the normal evacuation of the contents of the bladder. Mostly occurs when eating the wrong, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Differential diagnosis will be carried out by a gastroenterologist.


The source of such discomfort is all liver diseases:

  1. Hepatitis is an inflammatory lesion of the liver. Depending on the cause, there are 4 types of hepatitis: infectious (viral, bacterial, parasitic), toxic (drug, alcohol, hepatitis due to poisoning with a toxic substance), radiation and autoimmune hepatitis. The patient will also be concerned about dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and symptoms of general intoxication.
  2. Cirrhosis is the result of hepatitis or hepatosis. This is a chronic liver pathology in which normal liver tissue is replaced by connective tissue. As a result, the organ cannot cope with its functions, and liver failure develops.
  3. Echinococcosis is a helminthiasis caused by Echinococcus. In addition, it can affect any parenchymal organ: lungs, heart, brain, etc. It is characterized by the formation of echinococcal cysts, due to which the organ increases in size and loses its functions.

Diagnosis of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

Such pain, always nonspecific, accompanies numerous diseases and physiological abnormalities. They are usually combined with other symptoms that indicate the underlying cause of the disease.

  • Intestinal diseases
  • Kidney and bladder diseases
  • Diseases of the genital organs in men
  • Gynecology and cycle disorders
  • Diseases of blood vessels and lymph

Intestinal diseases

The most obvious pain in the lower right side, or more precisely, in the iliac region, in the groin and in the navel area, is the pain of appendicitis. Details (see here).

The main diseases that can be combined with pain in the right side of the lower abdomen:

  • Intestinal diverticulosis is a protrusion of the intestinal walls. The symptoms resemble those of appendicitis. Therefore, during surgery on the appendix, an inspection of the intestine is usually performed to exclude this pathology. The contents of the intestine accumulate in the diverticulum pocket, irritating the nerve endings and causing pain in the right lower abdomen. In severe cases, the pathology is combined with intoxication. In addition to pain, weakness, fever, constipation or diarrhea, and vomiting are detected.
  • Intestinal blockage. When intestinal volvulus occurs, the pathogenesis is characterized by rapid development. This occurs due to the cessation of blood flow and disruption of the innervation of the intestinal walls. With mechanical blockage of the intestine (foreign bodies), peristalsis stops and severe pain is observed, radiating to the right side of the groin. It can be combined with vomiting after eating, with the absence of peristaltic sounds and with the expansion of the lumen of the intestinal loops.
  • Duodenitis. Inflammation of the duodenum and small intestine is accompanied by pain, radiating, among other things, to the right side. Pain is projected onto the lower abdomen when the intestinal loops located closer to the right side of the body are predominantly affected. The pain is combined with signs of indigestion.
  • Inguinal hernia. Pathology is classified as a surgical disease. A hernia is a combination of two factors: rupture of the internal layers of the abdominal wall and prolapse of the omentum and intestinal loops into the subcutaneous space. The integrity of the skin during hernias is not compromised. A hernia manifests itself as a sac-like protrusion of skin in the groin. If upon palpation it is possible to push the contents of the hernial sac inward, this is a reducible hernia. If it is impossible to reduce, it is a strangulated hernia. A strangulated hernia is dangerous. The intestinal loops, omentum with vessels and nerve fibers swell and swell. Their volume exceeds the diameter of the hernial ring. The pain intensifies with physical activity. Diagnosis is not difficult. Treatment is surgery to suturing the hernial ring.
  • Liver diseases. The early stages of hepatitis are not characterized by a painful reaction. Pain develops in the later stages of inflammation. In severe cases, excruciating pain appears in the right lower abdomen; pathogenesis is accompanied by total damage to the organ (cirrhosis of the liver) and biliary tract (cholecystitis). The pain may go down to the groin area on the right side.
  • Lesions of the rectum are manifested by pain radiating to the groin.
  • Adhesions of the serous membranes of internal organs. In case of damage to the nerve fibers in the lower abdomen on the right, pain appears in the indicated area. The causes of adhesions are postoperative complications, congenital or acquired pathologies without previous surgical intervention.

Kidney and bladder diseases

Pain syndrome in different parts of the body, including the right (with right-sided lesions) in the lower abdomen.

Pain due to impaired urine production

Pain occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to produce urine, filter and absorb purified blood back into the bloodstream. Pain syndrome accompanies inflammation of the parenchyma, renal glomeruli, pelvis and cavities, as well as degenerative, dystrophic and oncological diseases of the kidneys. The pain develops over a short time and often cannot be relieved even with strong painkillers.

Pain due to urinary obstruction

Pain develops when an obstruction forms along the urethra and when it is impossible to remove urine outside the body. Pathological processes are more severe in men due to the narrow and long urethra. However, diseases in the ureters are more often detected in women due to the greater likelihood of inflammation of the female genital organs.

Painful urge to urinate is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • Acute dilatation of the bladder. The reason is blockage of the urethral canal with urinary stones or an inflamed prostate (in men). It manifests itself as an ineffective urge to urinate.
  • Blockage and inflammation of the ureter. Paired ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder. Pain in the groin on the right should be expected when urine stops in the distal (lower) part of the right ureter. The pain appears suddenly and intensifies very quickly with stagnation of urine. Various methods are used for treatment, including crushing stones with ultrasound and their surgical removal.
  • Inflammation of the urethra – urethritis. Both men and women get sick. In men, the disease occurs with more serious consequences. Initially, the pathology manifests itself as a burning sensation and pain when urinating. Pain on the right in the groin area occurs when the right inguinal lymph node is involved in the inflammatory process.

Diseases of the genital organs in men

Pain is caused by inflammatory processes, injuries or infections of the genital organs. General symptoms of pain syndrome are nagging pain in the scrotum, radiating to the groin.

When the right lymph node is involved in the pathogenesis, the pain shifts to the corresponding area of ​​the body:

  • Orchitis – inflammation of the testicles;
  • Inflammation of the male penis, including balanitis - inflammation of the glans, and posthitis - inflammation of the foreskin;
  • Vesiculitis is a lesion of the seminal vesicles. The testes are paired organs that are located above the prostate;
  • Epididymitis – inflammation of the testicular appendages;
  • Cavernitis is inflammation of the cavernous bodies of the male penis;
  • Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Colliculitis is inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

Cycle disorders in women and gynecological diseases

Women have a more complex structure of the genital organs and a special physiology than men. This determines the frequent manifestation of pain in the pelvic area in the lower abdomen, including on the right. Cycle disorders are also almost always accompanied by pain.

Pain due to cycle disorders

Pain is not always associated with obvious pathologies. Painful cycles are typical for girls and young nulliparous women. In some cases, pain is a consequence of infections and colds of the pelvic organs.

  • Menstrual pain – algomenorrhea. There is an increased flow of blood to the pelvic organs, followed by stagnation and accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. Pain in the absence of signs of inflammation is primary algomenorrhea. Menstrual pain can be a consequence of gynecological inflammation and genital infections (secondary algomenorrhea). If bleeding is irregular and accompanied by pain, this condition is called algodismenorrhea. Pain in the lower abdomen often radiates to the groin and thigh, is accompanied by dizziness and blurred vision, and intensifies during sexual intercourse. When there are layers of gynecological pathologies, pain is accompanied by pathological vaginal discharge.

Obstetric pathologies

In some cases, pain is the cause of serious problems that threaten pregnancy and the woman’s health:

  • Pain during pregnancy. Physiological pain that occurs for a short time due to intense hormonal changes, increased blood flow to the uterus, fetal growth and stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus in the abdominal cavity. Such pain is usually not intense and occurs periodically. But pathological obstetric pain can be a sign of spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pain during spontaneous abortion. Pathology develops in the early stages of pregnancy. There are several stages of spontaneous abortion: threatened abortion and actual abortion (complete, partial). The pain is combined with vaginal bleeding of varying intensity. Cramping pain in the lower abdomen can radiate to the right when the corresponding pain receptors are irritated. With large blood losses and infection of the birth canal with pathogenic microflora, a state of intoxication develops that threatens the life of the mother and fetus.
  • Pain during premature labor. Occurs in late pregnancy during the period from 28 to 37 weeks of gestation. The pain is combined with manifestations of toxicosis in a pregnant woman. To avoid complications, you should urgently contact a medical institution to provide qualified obstetric care.
  • Pain during ectopic pregnancy. This is a condition when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity. When the embryo develops outside the uterus, compression of the vessels and walls of the fallopian tubes occurs, and there is a threat of rupture of the walls of the fallopian tubes and vessels on which the fertilized egg is attached. Emergency surgery is required.

Pain due to gynecological diseases

Characteristic of young women during or after previous sexually transmitted infections or hypothermia.

In old age, diseases occur due to hormonal imbalances:

  • Salpingitis. In the context of our article, this is inflammation of the right fallopian (uterine) tube. There are mechanical causes of inflammation (injuries after the consequences of abortion, childbirth and other medical procedures) and microbial causes (genital infections). Pain in the lower abdomen on the right is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. The pain increases with urination, physical activity and sexual intercourse.
  • Adnexitis is inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The disease usually occurs in girls and young women, sometimes it is unilateral (right-sided and left-sided adnexitis). This disease is also called “salpingoophoritis”.
  • An ovarian cyst is a protrusion of an ovary. A vesicle is formed on the ovary, filled with transparent or translucent contents, as a result the ovary enlarges. The causes of cyst formation are hormonal disorders. Ovarian cysts manifest themselves as unilateral pain in the lower abdomen. Some types of cysts disappear on their own. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.
  • Apoplexy of the ovary. Rupture of an ovarian cyst is apoplexy, accompanied by internal bleeding. Occurs when a very large cyst forms, with excessive stretching of the ovarian walls, after physical exertion. It manifests itself as pain reminiscent of appendicitis. Sometimes the pain radiates to the anus, to the right side of the lower abdomen or to the thigh. Apoplexy usually occurs during the period of ovulation. Urgent surgery is indicated.
  • Endometriosis. A gynecological disease of a non-inflammatory nature, which is characterized by increased proliferation of the mucous membranes of the uterus. The pathology is accompanied by changes in hormonal levels and increased bleeding. Endometriosis can develop in the genital area or outside of it, such as in the intestines. The disease manifests itself as pelvic pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, accompanied by prolongation of menstrual bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Endometritis. Inflammation of the superficial layers of the walls of the uterus. In some cases, deep layers are involved in the pathological process - endomyometritis. The main reasons are sexually transmitted infections, hypothermia, hormonal disorders. In severe cases, endometritis can result in purulent inflammation and accumulation of exudate in the uterus (pyometra). Endometritis manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes on the right. Additional symptoms are fever, signs of intoxication, vaginal discharge.

Diseases of blood vessels and lymph nodes

Blood vessels and the lymphatic system permeate the human body and nourish, among other things, the abdominal organs and legs.

Pain due to diseases of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are formed at the junction of blood vessels. The most well-known to the average reader are the submandibular lymph nodes, which enlarge and respond with pain due to inflammation in the throat and mouth.

Accordingly, the inguinal lymph nodes enlarge with inflammation of the pelvic organs. There is right-sided inguinal lymphadenitis. The lymphatic system performs protective functions in the body. Pathogens recognized by lymphocytes are attacked, neutralized and removed from the body. During a massive attack, lymphocytes cannot cope with their functions, and inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.

  • Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node, in this case the inguinal one. It can develop on one or both sides, for example on the right side. Right-sided inflammation of the node is accompanied by its enlargement, manifests itself in the form of a painful, strictly limited swelling, and is often accompanied by pain on the right side of the lower abdomen. Sometimes this is accompanied by intoxication and increased body temperature.

Pain due to venous diseases

Pain syndrome accompanies pathological dilation of the veins in the pelvis. As a result, the outflow of blood from the tissues of the abdominal wall and pelvic organs is disrupted.

  • Varicose veins of the small pelvis are typical for young women and girls. The main reason is stagnation of blood in the pelvic vessels, which develops during hormonal changes in the body, including puberty and pregnancy. In the first stages, the disease may be asymptomatic or with periodic pain before or after menstruation. Subsequently, persistent pain develops, usually in the lower abdomen, maybe on the right. Differential diagnosis is based on the use of instrumental visualization methods of pelvic blood vessels.

Pain due to lesions of the femoral artery

(aneurysm, femoral artery thrombosis, vasculitis - inflammation). The femoral artery supplies blood to the anterior abdominal wall, the genital area and groin, and the muscles of the lower extremities:

  • An aneurysm is a separation of the inner walls of an artery and the formation of a sac-like protrusion on it. Below the site of the aneurysm, signs of blood supply deficiency develop, and above - blood stagnation. Characterized by severe pain, including in the groin area on the right.
  • Vascular thrombosis. Similar phenomena occur following stenosis - narrowing or thrombosis of the lumen of an artery or its branches at the site of formation of cholesterol plaques.

Pain due to diseases of the hip joint

The pain often radiates to the groin area.

The main diseases of the hip joint, in which unilateral pain is possible:

  • Coxarthrosis is arthrosis of the hip joint (right side of the body). This is a disease of a degenerative-dystrophic nature, which affects people mainly in the older age group. The disease is very common, since the hip joint bears the main load when a person moves. Inflammation is a secondary process and develops when a microbial factor is involved in the pathogenesis. One of the symptoms of coxarthrosis is pain radiating to the groin, which is necessarily combined with lameness and reduced joint mobility. The causes of coxarthrosis are stress on the joint, vascular diseases, autoimmune diseases and processes, metabolic disorders, injuries and congenital pathologies. In later stages, treatment is only surgical; the joint must be replaced with an implant.
  • Aseptic necrosis of the right hip joint. It manifests itself as necrosis of the bone and cartilage tissue of the joint. The pain radiates to the groin from the affected surface. Differential diagnosis of the disease is based on the results of an x-ray examination.
  • Perthes disease. It is characterized by a decrease in blood supply to the tissue area around the head of the femur and necrosis of the head of the hip joint. Boys under 15 years of age are most often affected. Pain in the joint is reflected in the lower abdomen. Joint deformation and lameness may develop.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the hip joint on the right side. This group includes rheumatoid, purulent, gouty and infectious diseases. Common symptoms for all pathologies are inflammatory swelling in the joint area, increased local temperature, pain in the joints (initially in small ones), if the hip joint is affected, radiating to the groin area on the right side.
  • Pain due to diseases of the lower back, radiating to the groin on the right side (see here).

Other localization of pain symptom

Often discomfort is localized in the hypochondrium not only in front, but also on the side or back.


Such localization of pain in the right side can occur with all of the above diseases. In addition, a similar location of the pain symptom is possible with pathology of the colon. These are papillomas or intestinal obstruction, tumors of a given segment of the large intestine.

A rib fracture often answers the question of what hurts on the right side in men under the ribs. In this case, there should be no problems with diagnosis, since there is a history of trauma or bruise in this area.

From the back

Pain sensations arising from the back at the level of the hypochondrium are associated with pathological conditions of the kidneys and adrenal glands:

  1. Pyelonephritis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the renal pyelocaliceal system. Accompanied by discomfort at the back, below the shoulder blades, increased temperature, change in urine color, and swelling.
  2. Glomerulonephritis. This is an inflammatory disease of the glomeruli of the kidney of an autoimmune nature. Accompanied by a change in the color of urine. An increase in temperature is characteristic.
  3. Kidney cancer. It is detected in the last stages when blood appears in the urine, or accidentally during examination at earlier stages.
  4. Adrenal tumor. More often detected on ultrasound or MRI as a finding. This applies to hormonally inactive neoplasms. Hormonally active tumors make themselves felt much earlier. Depending on the type of tumor, they are clinically manifested by increases and surges in blood pressure, the presence of edema, androgenization of women and feminization of men.
  5. Urolithiasis disease.

An experienced gastroenterologist will quickly make a diagnosis after examination.

Causes of pain under the right rib

Under the right ribs of a person there are several groups of vital organs, so the nature of the pain in the right side should be examined in detail and, first of all, pay attention to these organ systems.

According to statistics, the top three causes of pain under the right ribs look like this:

  1. Gallbladder diseases.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Lung diseases.

Constant pain in the right hypochondrium

Diseases that cause constant pain under the right rib:

  • liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • gallbladder: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • pancreatic diseases: pancreatitis, tumors;
  • diseases of the diaphragm: tumor, hernia, diaphragmatitis;
  • intestinal diseases: appendicitis, duodenal ulcer;
  • heart diseases: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris;
  • diseases of the right lung: pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer;
  • diseases of the right kidney: pyelonephritis, urolithiasis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors of internal organs;
  • abdominal organ injuries;
  • shingles.

These diseases can cause pain of different types, and the definition of “constant pain” is quite arbitrary.

So, for an unexpected, sharp pain not caused by a mechanical injury, 30 minutes is already constant; aching pain should seriously concern you if it does not go away within an hour, as well as a stabbing pain that intensifies when walking.

Such severe pain under the right rib becomes permanent and requires seeing a doctor on the day it occurs or even calling an ambulance.

Natural causes

If the pain syndrome occurred once and was not too intense, there is no cause for concern. Discomfort can be caused by natural reasons:

  1. overeating;
  2. eating excessively fatty or spicy foods;
  3. drinking alcoholic beverages.

This phenomenon often occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Due to lack of physical activity, blood supply to the abdominal cavity and lower extremities deteriorates. Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time leads to stagnation of blood, which causes pain.

Pain in the right side under the ribs after eating is often observed in late pregnancy. In the third trimester, the uterus grows to such a size that it interferes with the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract. The pain syndrome is aching or pulling in nature.

Localization of pain

If the patient cannot differentiate his perception of pain by the exact location, it will be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. Often patients who do not know how to “listen” to themselves confuse these pain sensations in the right side under the ribs with symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Pain under the right rib in front

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to possible diseases of the following organs:

  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • diaphragm;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines.

Most often, with this localization of pain, the following is diagnosed:

  • viral, alcoholic or toxic hepatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis, tumor;
  • the presence of parasitic infestation (giardiasis, amoebiasis, opisthorchiasis);
  • heart failure;
  • acute or chronic cholecystitis;
  • the presence of parasites in the biliary tract;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • late stage pancreatic cancer;
  • pathologies, tumors and inflammation of the diaphragm;
  • right-sided pneumonia.

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

The most common cause of pain in the back on the right side is kidney disease.

The main diseases causing pain in the back under the right rib:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the right kidney (acute or chronic pyelonephritis);
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • retroperitoneal hematoma after a long-standing back injury.

All these diseases cause pain of a different nature. Even with the same disease, people have different pain sensations, so the diagnosis is made only in conjunction with other symptoms .

Symptoms and signs of pain may suddenly appear in the left side. Read more about the treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium.

Let's continue the topic of treatment. In this article, you will find information about pain in the heel, especially when walking.

The solar plexus is one of the central organs of the body, responsible for the functioning of a wide range of internal organs. In cases of discomfort in the chest area, pay attention to this article

Diseases of other organs

Pain in the right side occurs with pancreatitis.

Pain in the right side after eating can be a symptom of other organs and systems.

Most often this pathological condition occurs when. The pain is very pronounced.

Some patients experience severe shock when it appears. The localization of pain in pancreatitis is observed in the pit of the stomach.

Most often, this pathological condition is diagnosed with damage to internal organs, intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, thrombosis of the veins and arteries of internal organs.

The cause of pain can be pancreatitis, appendicitis. Acute pain can also be observed with the development of blockage of the bile ducts and intestinal obstruction.

A dull pain may also occur in the right side after eating, which is explained during the period of remission by hepatitis and an adrenal tumor. Pathology can appear with cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Some patients complain of dull pain due to apostematous nephritis, intestinal diverticulosis, and pyelonephritis. The cause of the pathological condition may be cholangitis or a tumor in the.

Some people confuse soreness with a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. This pathological condition is observed in fatty hepatosis and hepatitis. The cause of its appearance may be an edematous liver or hypomotor dysnesia of the biliary tract. A feeling of heaviness can be a symptom of diseases such as chronic cholecystitis or congestive heart failure.

That is why, if a patient has pathologies of organs such as the gallbladder, intestines, or intestines, then eating will lead to pain.

Stitching pain occurs with biliary dysnesia or cholelithiasis. With dull pain, cholecystitis is diagnosed in most cases.

Soreness in the right side can have different characters. They are used to determine the disease and make a preliminary diagnosis.

The nature of the intensity of pain signs

The intensity of sensations and the characteristics of pain in the right side under the ribs become another clue to determine the diagnosis. Also, a quick visit to a doctor with a correct description of the nature of the pain is simply mandatory if certain sensations arise.

Therefore, pain sensations need to be able to be distinguished in order to give a quick assessment of the situation that has arisen.

Pay attention if you are bothered by aching pain in your right side

  • Weak, muffled aching pain is a consequence of chronic pyelonephritis, which requires treatment in a hospital.
  • Constant aching pain in the right hypochondrium and front and back, which sometimes turns into acute pain, indicates osteochondrosis. Sitting and standing become very painful, so to ease the sensation you need to lean forward half-sitting.

Symptoms indicating acute pain

The most dangerous type of pain is in the right side under the ribs.

  • Acute pain under the right rib often indicates inflammation of the appendix. Pain sensations radiate to the right hypochondrium.
  • Acute stabbing pain is a sign of mechanical injury: rupture, hematoma of the liver, rupture of the gallbladder, rupture of the kidney, prolapse of the kidney due to rupture of ligaments, fracture of the ribs on the right.
  • Unexpected acute pain, intensifying even with calm walking, may be a reason to examine the internal organs for the presence of a hematoma, which puts pressure on the tissues of the organs.
  • Acute pain can also be caused by renal or hepatic colic, strangulation of a renal cyst, acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

What causes dull pain in the right hypochondrium?

  • Mild dull pain is most often caused by chronic diseases (chronic pancreatitis) or diseases at the last stage of development (cancer of internal organs).
  • Acute pyelonephritis is always accompanied by intense dull pain under the ribs from behind (right or left). This pain intensifies sharply and becomes nagging when struck with the edge of the palm on the back in the area of ​​the lower rib.
  • Pain from liver diseases (including cirrhosis of the liver) is also dull and is most clearly felt under the right ribs.
  • Such pain is also an indicator of the inflammatory process in the body. It is not uncommon for a dull pain near the right rib to occur with inflammation of the uterine appendages, gall bladder, pancreas, right lung, or spleen.

The stabbing and pulling pain under the right side is of a painful nature, which is rarely found in its pure form. Such pains are most often not included in the scope of the diagnosis; their causes are not discovered during the examination.

The patient feels both sharp and nagging pain at the same time, he has attacks of stabbing pain, but he cannot localize it. Such wandering pain under the right rib can be intense, but short-lived - this is psychosomatic pain. With this type of pain you should contact a neurologist and psychiatrist .

Diagnostics and therapeutic procedures

If you experience pain in the right side, especially if it occurs after eating, you should immediately consult a doctor. He, in turn, will examine and feel the abdominal area, palpate the liver, assess the condition of the sclera of the eyes and skin, and also ask to list his usual diet. After this, the specialist will give the patient a referral for a general blood test, and may suggest taking biological samples from the digestive tract: gastric juice, duodenal contents and bile from the bile ducts. In addition, an ultrasound examination is prescribed.

You can relieve pain with painkillers in the form of Nosh-pa, but do not abuse it in any way.

You need to stick to it, giving preference to fermented milk products, yoghurts, soups and viscous porridges.

You can also relieve sharp pain, in the case of gastritis, with a glass of heavy cream. The incoming liquid will flow around the walls of the stomach, preventing the acidic secretion from irritating its surface, causing pain.

The entire treatment process should only take place as prescribed by a doctor and after diagnostic procedures that will indicate the cause of the disease.

Pain in the right side after eating is an extremely serious symptom that cannot be ignored. You need to notify your doctor about this as soon as possible and begin timely treatment.

In the video, experts talk in detail about the causes of pain in the right hypochondrium:

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to "Pain in the right side after eating: causes, diagnosis"

    • Ilya, I think you should not do self-diagnosis, but visit a doctor. I have periodic stomach pains, but this is most likely due to business trips and, as a consequence, a completely unhealthy diet. In such cases, trimedat helps to cope, and everything is fine at home.
  1. About a year ago, I sometimes began to have a nagging pain in my stomach, but I didn’t go to the doctor, a typical Russian person, I hope that “maybe it will go away on its own.” Over time, the pain began to intensify, and as a result, I ran as fast as I could to the doctor when I suddenly got a prick on my right side and started to feel sick. It turned out to be gastritis, well, the doctor advised me to take Trimedat, the medicine is very good. If you drink it systemically, then abdominal pain should go away within 3-4 days, and then you take a course to eliminate the possibility of recurrence of symptoms. I wish everyone not to get sick!

    I had pain in my right side after eating. It’s not clear why, because the food I eat cannot be called harmful. And still, as the doctor said, heartburn appeared. This seems to be due to increased acidity. Well, in general, I was prescribed Trimedat with some antacids. And they also threateningly said that it is necessary to take it as written in the instructions, otherwise they take it as they want, and then it’s like the doctors are to blame. But by the way, it really helps effectively, after a certain amount of time the heartburn really went away and there is no more discomfort.

    I used to have stomach pain there too. The pain started about half an hour after eating, I was afraid to eat because of this, I lost a lot of weight... I went to the doctor, they told me to take trimedate. Fortunately, after a course of these pills there is no more pain at all. And in general, the actual pain stopped within a day, and I took the course just to be on the safe side.

Such a harmless symptom at first glance, such as pain under the right rib in the front, is in fact very often a signal of a disruption in the normal functioning of the liver, intestines, gallbladder or pancreas. In order not to worry once again and not make terrible diagnoses for yourself, let’s figure out what specific diseases such pain may indicate.

As mentioned above, pain on the right under the rib is most often a sign of liver or biliary tract disease. In second place, according to statistics, are diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs. However, to accurately determine the cause, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of the pain, duration and frequency of attacks.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts

Quite often, pain in the right hypochondrium is a symptom of liver disease and indicates the presence of pathological conditions such as:

But during inflammatory processes in the pancreas, pain is not always localized precisely in this area: it is often irritating. If the disease has entered the chronic stage, the pain is dull and less intense. Accompanying symptoms include nausea or even vomiting.

If the pain is very sharp and paroxysmal, this may indicate the development of cholelithiasis.

Often pain under the ribs on the right is a consequence of a feast. To neutralize them or avoid them altogether, you just need to exclude certain types of foods from your diet, namely:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • marinades.

Other causes of pain

In addition to all of the above diseases, the following pathologies can cause pain in the right hypochondrium:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • appendix;
  • myocardial infarction and angina pectoris;
  • pneumonia, pleurisy;
  • shingles;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Of course, every disease requires additional diagnosis, taking into account all indicators of a person’s health status. And only a specialist can make an adequate diagnosis. For example, the appendix is ​​located in the lower right part of the abdomen, but during the inflammatory process the pain often radiates directly under the rib. And it is generally quite difficult to diagnose heart disease using this sign, since in this case pain under the right rib is a concomitant symptom.

With herpes zoster, pain under the right rib only bothers you if the rash is localized there. Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia often complain of pain in this area. However, their pain is characterized by great variety: it can be nagging or aching, paroxysmal or constant. Such pains are called psychosomatic. As you can see, the range of diseases that cause pain under the right rib is quite diverse.

That is why it can be quite difficult to immediately say why the right side hurts under the ribs.

Acute pain and its causes

Any severe pain is a very dangerous signal, which is a sign that a person needs urgent help. The reason for its occurrence may be:

  • injuries, namely: rupture of the gallbladder, liver or kidney, fracture of the ribs;
  • colic: hepatic or renal;
  • inflammatory processes in the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • strangulation of the renal cyst.

All these pathological changes in the body are characterized by severely tolerable acute pain under the rib on the right. A person may lose consciousness from pain, this especially often happens with injuries. A patient with such symptoms should be hospitalized immediately.

Causes of pain in women

Women experience pain under the right rib, usually in the following cases:

  • with premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • for diseases of the female genital organs located on the right;
  • during pregnancy.

In some women, before the onset of menstruation, the body produces an increased amount of female hormones - estrogens. In this regard, a couple of days before the start of menstruation, pain begins to be felt under the right rib, which is sometimes accompanied by nausea and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

The most likely causes of pain under the right rib during pregnancy are:

  • an increase in the size of the fetus, which is especially often felt in the later stages;
  • active movements of the child in the womb: the baby rests its legs against the mother’s ribs, thereby causing some discomfort;
  • an increase in the size of the uterus, which moves upward and puts pressure on the lower ribs.

This pain does not require special treatment, because it will go away immediately after the baby is born. Although it is, of course, necessary to inform your doctor about your discomfort.

If there are inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, pain can also be experienced under the right rib.

Pain under the right rib from behind

Diseases of the right kidney

The most common cause of pain is an infectious-inflammatory disease of the right kidney - acute or chronic pyelonephritis. In acute pyelonephritis, the patient experiences dull, rather intense, constant pain in the lumbar region on the right. The pain sharply intensifies when lightly tapping the lower rib from behind with the edge of the palm (positive Pasternatsky sign).

In chronic pyelonephritis, the pain is weak, dull, aching; they worsen in cold, damp weather.

Urolithiasis disease

Depending on the size of the stone and its position in the urinary tract, the patient may experience constant or intermittent, often dull pain under the right rib from behind. This pain tends to intensify with movement, driving, shaking the body (for example, when jumping), as well as if the patient takes a large amount of liquid.

The listed factors can cause the stone to move from its place and begin to move along the urinary tract. This movement is accompanied by acute pain - renal colic. The patient cannot find a place for himself in pain, he rushes about, groans, and cries.

Acute pancreatitis


Retroperitoneal hematoma

Acute pain

Acute pain in the right hypochondrium is an extremely unfavorable symptom

This is a sign that the patient is in need of emergency medical attention. The cause of acute pain under the right rib can be the following conditions and diseases: 1.

  • liver rupture;
  • liver hematoma;
  • gallbladder rupture;
  • kidney rupture;
  • prolapse of the kidney due to ligament rupture;
  • fracture of one or more lower ribs on the right.


Renal colic.
Hepatic colic.
Incarceration of the renal cyst.
Acute cholecystitis.
Acute pancreatitis.

All of these diseases and injuries are accompanied by acute, difficult-to-bear pain. The pain may cause the patient to lose consciousness, especially if injured. If consciousness is preserved, the patient rushes about, trying to find a body position that relieves pain.

A sick or injured person with acute pain under the right rib should be taken to a medical facility immediately.

Sharp and dull pain in the right hypochondrium with vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex disease, which is based on a violation of the tone of blood vessels. Patients with this disease often complain of pain in the hypochondrium

, including under the right rib.

These pains are very diverse: they can be sharp or dull, aching or stabbing, constant or paroxysmal. The patient, as a rule, cannot clearly localize the pain (show exactly where it hurts). The examination does not reveal signs of any of the diseases listed above.

However, people with such complaints are not malingerers. They really experience pain in the right hypochondrium, often quite intense. Such pains are called psychosomatic. Neurologists and psychotherapists treat patients with such pain. More about vegetative-vascular dystonia

Pain in the lower abdomen

Returning to the previous illness, I’ll tell you right away why your stomach may hurt after appendicitis:

  • cutting pain on the side indicates the likelihood of sutures coming apart due to physical stress;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen indicate the possible formation of adhesions. If a man
  • additionally feels paroxysmal pain, which means his intestines are compressed;
  • systematic painful sensations indicate chronic appendicitis;
  • pain, supplemented by stool disturbance, enlargement and protrusion of the suture, is a symptom of a postoperative hernia;
  • Increasing pain, accompanied by bloating, hyperthermia and vomiting, indicates the threat of peritonitis.

To prevent complications after an appendectomy, strictly adhere to all doctor's instructions.

Pain in the lower right third of the abdomen can cause:

  • inguinal hernia. The main sign is the appearance of a plump lump in the groin area. It can increase in volume during physical overexertion, and decrease when a person lies down and is in a relaxed state. The disease causes constant or periodic mild pain, spreading to the abdomen, groin and lower back;
  • Vesicoureteral reflux. The disease develops simultaneously with pyelonephritis. Painful sensations appear in the lower third of the right side of the abdomen and move to the lower back when urinating. This happens because urine from the ureter is thrown back into the kidney.

Pain under the right rib in healthy people

During physical activity in untrained people

If a person who does not engage in sports, leading a sedentary lifestyle, is forced to perform fairly intense physical work or sports exercise, the blood flow in his body increases due to the release of adrenaline into the blood. In this case, the inferior vena cava (a large blood vessel passing in the right hypochondrium) expands and puts pressure on the liver. A stabbing pain occurs under the right rib, which goes away on its own a few minutes after stopping the load.

The same pain can occur as a result of a sharp bend or turn of the body when the internal organs come into contact with the ribs. It also disappears spontaneously after a short time.

During pregnancy

For premenstrual syndrome

Women's diseases

The cause of right-sided lower abdominal pain in women can be:

  • algomenorrhea (painful menstruation). Unpleasant sensations begin 12 hours before bleeding or on the first day of menstruation and last up to 48 hours, gradually subsiding. The pain is stabbing, aching or, most often, cramping. It can involve the bladder, rectum and extend to the back. Additionally, the girl may experience nausea, indigestion, irritability, and sleep disturbances;
  • acute endometritis. Accompanied by hyperthermia, pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes on the right side, vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor. Chronic pathology leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle, systematic aching pain, purulent or bloody discharge. Intimate intimacy gives extremely unpleasant sensations;
  • right ovarian cyst. Causes a dull pressing pain that increases many times during intimacy or during physical activity. The clinical picture may be complemented by frequent urination, fever, tachycardia, and tension in the anterior peritoneal wall. If the cyst is large, it may rupture. The pain is similar to that of appendicitis.

Pain in the lower third of the abdomen on the right side can also cause unilateral salpingitis and adnexitis.

Abdominal pain in pregnant women and after childbirth

During pregnancy, pain can disturb a woman due to a miscarriage. Spontaneous abortion is accompanied by bleeding.

Mild, short-term pain in the lower abdomen, as a rule, should not be a cause for concern. They talk about sprained ligaments and an enlarged uterus. A similar sensation in the later stages may indicate premature birth.

Pain after a caesarean section is normal. However, if they persist for a long time, it is worth suspecting adhesions, inflammation of the uterus or endometritis.

What to do if pain occurs under the right rib?

If you have pain under your right rib, you should consult a doctor. Do not try to relieve pain with a warm compress: you can seriously harm your health. Ice compresses on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium are acceptable if this relieves the pain. You should not take painkillers or no-shpa, because the clinical picture of the disease will be erased, and diagnosis will be difficult.

An ambulance should be called in the following cases:
In case of acute, sudden pain under the right rib.
With aching pain under the right rib, lasting more than 1 hour.
For stabbing pain under the right rib that occurs during movement and lasts more than half an hour.

If you have dull, prolonged pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, you should consult a doctor immediately, on the day of illness.

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