Inflammation of the stomach. Or gastritis. Symptoms and treatment of gastritis with folk remedies.

There are many folk remedies that can not only relieve pain from gastritis, but also completely cure this disease. At the same time, you will be able to save money, since you will not have to buy a mountain of medicines. Another advantage of many folk remedies is the absence of unwanted side effects on the body. In this article we will tell you exactly what folk remedies help with different types of gastritis, and how to prepare them.

How to treat gastritis with folk remedies at home

It is important to remember that self-medication is dangerous. First of all, you need to go to a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis. Remedies prepared according to folk recipes are very effective, but it is worth remembering that a positive result can only be achieved if they are taken correctly and regularly. The most common recipes for folk remedies that can be used for any type of gastritis:

  • Zabrus or propolis. You can chew propolis or zabrus from time to time, but you should not swallow it, otherwise you will get severe heartburn. The effect of this will be the normalization of the microflora of the stomach and the strengthening of its walls, as well as the binding of a greater number of indigestible food components.
  • Dill water. It's very easy to prepare. Pour 20 to 30 grams of chopped fresh dill into a small container, and pour in 150 grams of just boiled water. 100 grams of cooled infusion should be taken in the evening with food. Gastritis will not bother you all night.

Acute gastritis

Reviews about the treatment of gastritis say that this pathology does not go away in a week.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that occurs due to taking medications or any products or chemicals. The first signs of gastritis appear within a few hours from the onset of the disease. According to reviews, treatment for gastritis should begin immediately at the first symptoms of the disease. As soon as pain, heaviness in the abdomen, dizziness, or weakness appear in the solar plexus area, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Gastritis can appear due to various reasons. An unhealthy diet can lead to the development of pathology: snacks, soda, too salty foods, alcohol and strong coffee - all this leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The development of gastritis can be caused by smoking, long-term use of medications, intake of alkaline and other chemicals, and much more, including stress.

There are several types of gastritis. This:

  1. Catarrhal. It is characterized by superficial damage to the gastric mucosa.
  2. Fibrous. This variety occurs due to poisoning or infectious pathologies.
  3. Phlegmonous. With this type, purulent inflammation of the stomach walls appears. With this type, it is necessary to consult a doctor for help as soon as possible, otherwise there is a high probability of death.

Reflux gastritis, how to cure it with folk remedies

Treatment of reflux gastritis with folk remedies is quite long, but quite effective.

  • Infusion of chamomile flowers. One small spoon of herb is brewed with 200 grams of just boiled water. Drink half a glass of infusion 30 minutes before a meal.
  • Flax seed mucilage. It's quite simple to prepare. Pour boiling water into the flax seeds and whisk everything well. You need to eat 100 grams. freshly prepared and strained mucus three times a day.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies - the most effective recipes

Erosive gastritis requires mandatory treatment. It differs in that ulcers appear on the inflamed gastric mucosa. If the disease is neglected, it can develop into an ulcer or even a cancerous tumor.

Therefore, it is important to treat it, and folk remedies are well suited for this. So, let's figure out how to cure erosive gastritis with folk remedies.

  • Potato juice. To make potato juice, you need to use fresh and healthy tubers. They should be peeled, washed and chopped on a fine grater. Then, using gauze, squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass. For one dose you will need half a glass of freshly squeezed juice. It must be drunk daily in the morning 60 minutes before meals. The course lasts until the symptoms of gastritis completely disappear.
  • Birch leaves. To prepare the decoction you will need a handful of fresh spring birch leaves. They are washed, dried, and then filled with 500 grams of clean water. Let the liquid simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. The cooled broth is cooled, filtered and drunk half a glass 1 hour after eating.
  • Cabbage juice. It is required to drink according to the following scheme:
      First week - dilute a glass of juice with a glass of water and drink 100 grams. before eating.
  • Second week - on 2 tbsp. juice take 1 tbsp. water. Drink 200 grams. before every meal.
  • Third week - juice and water are mixed in equal parts. The resulting solution should be drunk before a meal and an hour after it.
  • Fourth week - drink 800 grams. cabbage juice throughout the day.

Chronic gastritis - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of chronic gastritis with folk remedies can be quite effective; the most effective recipes are:

  • Aloe juice. Freshly squeezed aloe juice is mixed with egg white in a 1:1 ratio. 1 large spoon of the resulting mixture should be taken three times a day. It perfectly removes inflammation.
  • Cabbage juice. Every day in the morning you should take 2/3 cup of freshly squeezed cabbage juice (from white cabbage). In this case, it is necessary to take the drug on an empty stomach.

Superficial gastritis - how to cure it with folk remedies

Treatment of superficial gastritis with folk remedies can only become effective when they are taken correctly and for quite a long time (until recovery occurs).

  • Burdock root juice. You can take both burdock root juice and an infusion made from it. In order for the treatment to be effective, one small spoon of honey must be dissolved in half a glass of infusion or juice.
  • Juice from fresh vegetables. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should take a quarter glass of fresh juice squeezed from white cabbage. You can also drink ½ glass of freshly squeezed potato juice every day.

Gastritis and its forms

Once upon a time, this disease was jokingly called “student disease,” implying that this particular category of people was always malnourished, ate irregularly and was constantly stressed. Those days are long gone, and today gastritis is common to those who eat dry food without leaving their workplace, go on diets, or are under constant stress in the struggle for a place on the career ladder.

Sometimes people with stomach pain decide that this is a sign of gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies at home will, at best, help relieve pain, but without a correct diagnosis, self-medication means wasting time and aggravating the situation.

Gastritis comes in two forms:

  • Acute, which is characterized by severe pain in the inflamed area of ​​the stomach, caused by exposure of the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane to any irritant.
  • Chronic – persistent damage to an organ, characterized by periodically occurring symptoms, often of a seasonal nature.

As a rule, untreated acute gastritis passes into the second stage - chronic, but they have common symptoms, these are:

  • Nausea, sometimes progressing to vomiting.
  • Severe and sudden pain in the stomach area.
  • Weakness, dehydration, dizziness.

There are several types of gastritis; only a gastroenterologist can determine which one has occurred in a patient after examining the patient and based on the results of his tests. Therefore, in no case should you begin treating gastritis with folk remedies without finding out the nature of its occurrence. Some forms of this disease are fatal, so examination by a doctor is a mandatory procedure.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity with folk remedies

This type of gastritis has a number of symptoms, namely: heartburn, belching, nausea, pain in the stomach, etc. The following folk remedies cope well with them.

  • Flaxseeds. Flax seeds are mixed with chamomile in a 1:1 ratio and poured into a not very large container. 200 grams of just boiled water are also poured into it. After half an hour, the liquid is filtered. Drink 70 grams of tincture half an hour before meals.
  • Plantain. 10 grams of dry grass are poured into a container, where a glass of water is added. Place the container on the stove and wait until the liquid boils. Remove from heat and cover with a lid. After 60 min. the infusion will be ready. It is filtered and drunk a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • Carrot juice. Take freshly squeezed juice made from fresh ripe carrots, 2 times a day in the morning and evening, 50 grams before meals. It should be taken as a course. So, they drink the remedy for a week and a half (10 days), and then take a break of the same length, and again take carrot juice for 10 days.

Treatment of gastritis with stone oil

An anti-inflammatory effect can be achieved by taking a solution of stone oil before meals. The product not only increases the immune strength of the patient’s body, but also accelerates the restoration of stomach and intestinal tissues. To take the oil internally, it is prepared as follows: 5 grams of oil are diluted in three liters of water. Take a glass of this solution three times a day, drinking the liquid half an hour before meals.

If you combine stone oil with other natural substances, you can achieve a good effect, since the oil only enhances its effect if combined with other substances.

Atrophic gastritis - treatment with folk remedies

With atrophic gastritis, the functioning of the stomach is disrupted. It digests food poorly due to a lack of digestive juice, and nutrients are practically not absorbed. There are also several highly effective folk remedies for this disease.

  • Herbal decoction. To prepare the decoction you will need dry herbs of chamomile, mint, calamus root and yarrow. These herbs are taken 30 grams each and poured into a container. Then 500 grams of just boiled water is poured into it. After this, the mixture must be placed in a water bath for a third of an hour. Drink a cool, pre-strained decoction of 100 grams 3 times a day after meals.
  • Aloe juice. Aloe juice is a highly effective remedy that, when used regularly, can completely restore the gastric mucosa. It should be drunk 25–30 minutes before meals in the amount of one small spoon.
  • Herbal infusion. To prepare it you will need St. John's wort, calendula flowers, plantain and wormwood. These herbs should be mixed in equal parts. Pour a full large spoonful of the resulting mixture into a container and pour 500 grams of just boiled water into it. Cover the container with a lid and wrap it up. After 60 minutes, the infusion will be ready. It should be taken, after cooling and straining, 70 grams. half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This infusion will protect the gastric mucosa and relieve inflammation.

On our website you can learn more about what types of gastritis of the stomach there are, what their features are. You can learn about drug treatment for stomach and duodenal ulcers here.

Read about the rules for using kefir for gastritis of the stomach in the article:

Gastritis no longer bothers bookmarks 56

Treatment of gastritis with green apples

Apples, especially green ones, are a very effective folk remedy for treating gastritis Peel green apples, finely chop them or simply grate them. That's all, you can eat it, and in unlimited quantities.

The difficulty is that after eating them you should not eat for 2-3 hours, as gas formation may begin. Therefore, the easiest way is to eat apple pulp in the morning for breakfast. If you are used to having porridge for breakfast, then nothing stops you from eating oatmeal with apple porridge!

In the first month of such treatment, apples must be eaten daily, maybe twice a day, but not at night. In the second month you can do it 3 times a week. And in the third month, even one day will be enough, but with the correct observance of all the rules!

An even simpler recipe with apples is to make fresh juice from green apples and carrots every morning on an empty stomach, in a 1:1 ratio (half a glass of apple and carrot).

In the first month of such treatment, apples must be eaten daily, maybe twice a day, but not at night. In the second month you can do it 3 times a week. And in the third month, even one day will be enough, but with the correct observance of all the rules!

An even simpler recipe with apples is to make fresh juice from green apples and carrots every morning on an empty stomach, in a 1:1 ratio (half a glass of apple and carrot).

Gastritis no longer bothers me

So, in order to get rid of gastritis, you need to put five liters of milk on something warm so that it sours faster. (my friend put it on the boiler). It is necessary to bring to a boil, but just do not boil further. Remove the cottage cheese; you need to boil the oats in its whey. First wash and sift the oats. There should be five parts whey and one part oats. Cook everything in an enamel pan over low heat for three hours. Then cool and strain. The oats should be discarded and only the whey should be left. Add three hundred grams of honey and one hundred and twenty-five grams of alcohol to it. Place this mixture in the refrigerator. You need to drink thirty grams of medicine fifteen minutes before meals. Shake the mixture before using. You need to drink three servings.

One woman said that she did this: in the evening she poured thirty grams of medicine so that it would warm up by the morning. After drinking in the morning, I poured the mixture so that it would warm up for lunch. She did this in order to drink the composition not cold, but at room temperature.

We will tell you about recipes that will allow you to cure gastritis in any form, especially with high acidity.

Oil. Every morning, before you have breakfast, drink 2 glasses of cool, clean water without carbon so that your stomach wakes up. On an empty stomach, drink one tablespoon of olive oil 1-3 times a day, but not more often, since oil is a strong choleretic agent, and as a result, greatly weakens the intestines. Any oil will do, but not refined oil, and it should not taste bitter when consumed. In just fourteen days you will see that you feel better. If you want to consolidate the effect of the medicine, then continue treatment for another couple of months. This oil is not harmful.

Honey. For another way to get rid of gastritis, you need good, fresh, preferably flower (from white acacia) or mountain honey. Every day, morning and evening, eat 1-2 tbsp. spoons of honey on an empty stomach, washed down with warm (but not hot) water or the same fresh tea. You can stir honey in water and drink the honey solution. After this, you can eat only fifteen minutes later and non-rough food. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Honey with milk. If you stir honey in warm milk, this will further enhance the healing effect. If you have stomach pain, you can drink milk with honey throughout the day, at the rate of 2 tablespoons of honey per glass of milk.

The first meal should be soft food, for example, eat yogurt, kefir, omelet, soft cheese. And in the evening, after honey, drink tea - preferably green tea. And it is advisable not to eat any more at night. Or if you really want to, then eat something neutral and soft again. And remember that during the entire course of treatment you need to exclude everything that contains vinegar from your diet and do not drink coffee.

You will also use a good treatment method - self-massage. Carefully and gently feel the area where the stomach is located with your fingers, try to evoke a pleasant sensation. The stomach should not be completely empty or full at this moment. Pleasant sensations will tell you that you are actually healing yourself and not causing harm.

Treatment of gastritis with cabbage juice

The most effective juice treatment for gastritis is cabbage juice. He literally works miracles. It is especially necessary for people with low stomach acidity. To prepare it, squeeze a glass of juice from cabbage leaves using a juicer. It should be warmed before use. If the juice makes you feel nauseous, drink it more than four hours after squeezing.

You should take half a glass of juice 2 times a day an hour before meals. Cabbage juice can even be prepared in advance. Its shelf life is 36–48 hours (if more, it will no longer have an effect)

Treatment of gastritis with medicinal herbs

With an exacerbation of gastritis, one woman decided to turn to traditional methods of treating gastritis and was cured with herbs in just a month. But at the same time, she also followed a diet: she ate only pureed food. The pain stopped bothering her after the first day of treatment.

The recipe is as follows: take 1 tbsp. spoon of yarrow herb, plantain, hay, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile flowers, calendula and 1 teaspoon of valerian root. That's it for 1 liter of boiling water. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, strain, drink 50–100 ml of broth 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. It should also be added that after such treatment, the woman took 1 teaspoon of liquid honey every day on an empty stomach for two years.

Treatment of gastritis with birch bark

With prolonged gastritis and unbearable heartburn, birch bark, plucked in the spring, during sap flow, helps very effectively. The bark during this period is red. Pour two tablespoons of finely chopped bark into a liter of hot water, the temperature of which is not higher than 60 degrees. After 2–3 hours of infusion, the product must be strained. It is necessary to take half a glass 3 times a day before meals, and after using the infusion, after about 15 minutes, you should also take a tablespoon of melted butter. And only after another 15 minutes can you sit down to eat. The course of treatment is 20 days. If you experience stomach pain or belching, it is useful to brew celandine herb and drink it instead of tea.

Treatment of gastritis with Soforin

A tincture of sophora (Japanese acacia), called sophorin, has a fairly good effect. Take fresh soforin fruits, finely chop them into a glass jar. Fill them with vodka in a ratio of 1:2. The composition should infuse for 10–12 days. After which the infusion is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. You should drink 25-30 drops half an hour before meals 3 times a day, and also a fourth time just before bed. The course of treatment is 21 days, after which there is a mandatory break of 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice

Potato juice is considered a very good remedy for treating gastritis. In the morning, before meals, drink one glass of freshly squeezed potato juice, then it is advisable to lie down for half an hour. An hour after taking the juice you can eat. The course of treatment is 10 days. There should be three such courses, but with a mandatory break after each course – also for 10 days.

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Gastritis with low acidity - treatment with folk remedies

This type of gastritis is characterized by the fact that the stomach produces insufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for digesting food. There are several fairly effective folk remedies that are recommended to be taken for this disease.

  • The plantain is big. An infusion can be made from plantain, or its juice can be used in treatment. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour one large spoon of crushed leaves into a container and pour in 200 grams of just boiled water. The infusion will be ready after 10 minutes. It should be taken 3 times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 70 grams. The infusion should be warm, and you should drink it in small sips. To prepare the juice, you need to take fresh plantain leaves, and you need to pick them with part of the cuttings. They are washed thoroughly and wait until the water drains. The leaves are then scalded with freshly boiled water. Next, they are ground in a meat grinder and then the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass using a fairly dense material. Boil the juice for one to three minutes. You should drink it 4 times a day, a third of an hour before meals, using a full large spoon. If the juice is very thick, it should be mixed with water in equal quantities.
  • Herbal infusion. To prepare the infusion, you need to take plantain and stinging nettle leaves, sandy immortelle flowers, and St. John's wort herb in a ratio of 2:2:1:3. 3 large spoons of the resulting mixture are poured into a thermos and 600 grams are also poured into it. just boiled water. Let the mixture sit for about 3 hours. Drink ready-made strained infusion 200 grams at a time 3 times a day a third of an hour before meals. Course - 8 days. After this, you need to take a break for the same amount of time and then start the course again. Treatment lasts about 2 years.

Features of ulcerative gastritis

Unfortunately, neither in children nor in adults, treatment with folk remedies for ulcerative type gastritis does not bring tangible results. At this stage of the disease, erosions become ulcers and cover a significant area of ​​the mucous membrane, so herbal medicine in this case is a means to alleviate the patient’s condition and reduce very painful symptoms.

You should not rely on natural ingredients and believe the reviews of people who have tried them on themselves. Each organism is individual, and what is good for one can cause irreparable harm to another. This type of gastritis is life-threatening for the patient, so even herbal medicine should be carried out according to the scheme and under the supervision of a doctor in parallel with the drug course of treatment.

The following will help relieve unpleasant symptoms (hunger pain, feeling of heaviness, heartburn, belching with a putrid odor):

  • Oatmeal. Many people know about its benefits for the digestive organ, but they ignore the information as long as their health is in order. When the mucous membrane is covered with ulcers, a decoction of these flakes helps. You will need to take 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 900 ml of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. Drain the remaining liquid and take 200 ml four times a day. Be sure to take it in the morning on an empty stomach and immediately before bed. The remaining 2 times - in 15-20 minutes. before meals.

  • Chamomile and milk. These small flowers are capable of healing ulcers, so it is worth taking this remedy not only during periods of exacerbation, but also as a healing and strengthening agent. Pour 50 g of chamomile with half a liter of boiling water and let it sit. Dilute 1:1 with warm milk, drink either for pain or as a preventive measure.

There are many plant and animal components in nature that seem to be specially created to strengthen the human body. Many of them are used as folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis. The most effective, according to patient reviews, are described below.

Reviews about the treatment of gastritis using traditional methods

Tatyana, 32 years old, St. Petersburg: I ​​have had gastritis for several years. During this time, I probably took a bunch of medications, but I only managed to relieve pain and discomfort for a while, and then it all came back again. I decided to start drinking plantain infusion along with taking the pills. After a few months, I noticed that my health had improved significantly. Now I have no pain at all, and no nausea either. I will drink this infusion until I recover completely.

Kirill, 40 years old, Tver: I suffered for a long time from such an unpleasant disease as gastritis. I had it with high acidity, so I often experienced pain along with heartburn and nausea. Treatment by a doctor was limited to prescribing new medications, which were of little help. One grandmother advised eating a little flaxseed several times a day, chewing them well. A few days after starting this treatment, I noticed that heartburn became rare, and there was no more severe pain. I hope that long-term treatment with seeds will help say goodbye to this disease forever.

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