What to do to get rid of constipation during pregnancy - a selection of the best tips

Folk remedies for constipation for adults

Effective, time-tested methods of treating difficult bowel movements in adults include the use of the following folk remedies:

  1. Soda water. In 1 tbsp. cool water diluted with half a tsp. baking soda. The drink is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Flaxseed decoction. 1 tsp flax pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and cook for half an hour in a water bath. After this, the resulting broth is poured with boiling water to obtain a volume equal to a full glass, cover and leave until the liquid has cooled completely. Take the infusion along with the seeds daily - half a glass before bed. This remedy is contraindicated in patients suffering from keratitis and cholecystitis.
  3. A mixture of kefir and vegetable oil. In 1 tbsp. fermented milk drink pour 1 d.l. oils Drink a drink at night.
  4. Herbal infusion. For preparation, a mixture is used that includes 30 g of mint (preferably peppermint), motherwort and valerian root, as well as 20 g of buckthorn bark. Herbal mixture (2 tbsp) pour 1 tbsp. water (200 ml) and cook for 30 minutes. in a water bath. Boiled water is added to the strained broth to obtain the initial volume. You need to drink 100 ml of the infusion every evening before bed.

    Traditional medicine will tell you what to do for constipation

Improves peristalsis and the consumption of certain foods. For example, unpeeled apples on an empty stomach, one grapefruit or 2 oranges per day, wheat bran, onions and vegetable stew.

Medicines for constipation. Inexpensive fast-acting drugs

To relieve constipation, you can do enemas or take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Medicines include:

Castor oil

  1. Vaseline or castor oil (20-180 rubles). A fast-acting natural remedy for constipation has a therapeutic effect, softening stool and quickly being absorbed into the walls of the small intestine. These substances do not irritate the mucous membrane and promote free bowel movements.
  2. Guttalax (234 – 389 rubles). A drug with a mild effect is prescribed 10-17 drops per day. It is not addictive.
  3. Motilium (422 – 684 rubles). Tablets or suspension are often prescribed for intestinal dysfunction due to inflammation, injury or surgery. The main active ingredient of the drug accelerates the rate of intestinal motility, initiating the release of prolactin. Used as a laxative.
  4. Duphalac (303 – 839 rubles). The syrup is made on the basis of lactulose (allowed during pregnancy). The laxative promotes natural bowel movements, helping with constipation. Additionally, the medicine has a prebiotic effect - it has a beneficial effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora.
  5. Export (168 – 404 rubles). The packaged mixture has a mild laxative effect and restores the composition of the natural intestinal microflora.

It is important to understand! Only a doctor can determine exactly what needs to be done for constipation in an adult in each individual case.

Constipation medications for pregnant women

Constipation is a disorder of the intestinal tract, which is expressed by:

  1. in long intervals between bowel movements, if we compare these periods before pregnancy;
  2. in difficulties arising during bowel movements (even if the usual frequency of stool is maintained);
  3. in periodically repeated sensations of incomplete emptying of the intestines.

During such a complication, the volume of feces released from the intestines decreases, and its density also changes (it hardens, its structure resembles a stone). Often, with constipation, you have to push, experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

What causes constipation in pregnant women?

Constipation during pregnancy is associated with prolapse of the uterus and a change in the position (displacement) of the intestines.

Among the circumstances that cause constipation during pregnancy are of a psychological nature - the fear of harming the child during prolonged complicated bowel movements.

Moreover, not following a proper diet and eating unhealthy foods also lead to this problem. Constipation in pregnant women is divided into two types: nutritional and mechanical.

Conditions for the occurrence of alimentary constipation may be:

  • sudden intestinal decrease in the amount of water;
  • reducing the amount of food and fluid in the body;
  • The foods that dominate the menu do not contain enough fiber.

The reasons for the occurrence of mechanical constipation may be:

  1. Mechanical constipation occurs due to disruption or cessation of the movement of feces in the small or large intestine.
  2. Often, the structure of feces and its passage are affected by various diseases (renal failure, diabetes, hemorrhoids) and the use of certain medications.

Causes of constipation at different stages of pregnancy

Constipation in pregnant women is caused by many factors. This is a restructuring of the general hormonal background, an increase in the size of the uterus and a functional shift in the intestines due to fetal pressure.

Often, the reason for stool retention is a purely psychological reason, when a woman in an interesting position is afraid of strong strain during bowel movements, so as not to harm her child.

In addition, anxiety about the possible appearance of hemorrhoids interferes with normal bowel movements.

Constipation during early pregnancy is caused by the following reasons:

  • consequences of systemic diseases;
  • decreased gastric secretion and reduction of its evacuation capacity;
  • increased production of progesterone by the body, which reduces the intensity of intestinal motility.

Constipation during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Transformations occurring at the hormonal level and increased production of progesterone by the body, which helps reduce the tone of the muscles of the intestinal tract, which causes its hypotension.
  2. Lack of hard fiber in the daily menu, found in vegetables, fruits and grains. This also includes changes in taste preferences, in which, for example, greens or other necessary food products seem tasteless or generally unpleasant to a woman in a position.
  3. Insufficient water intake due to fear of possible swelling of the legs.
  4. Emotional stress, which almost all women experience during pregnancy, contributes to a decrease in intestinal motility. Fear of the upcoming birth and changes at the psycho-emotional level serve as a prerequisite for the occurrence of constipation of neurogenic etiology.
  5. Lack of physical activity, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and when there is a threat of miscarriage, sometimes a woman has to remain in forced bed rest - leads to intestinal atony.
  6. Taking certain vitamins and microelements, which are sometimes recommended for pregnant women, is quite capable of causing a decrease in colon motility.
  7. A significant increase in the size of the uterus in later stages and a change in the location of any intestinal loop can dull the feeling of the urge to defecate.
  8. Increased manifestations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, if they were observed before pregnancy.

Main signs of constipation during pregnancy

  • inability to have a proper bowel movement for more than 3 days;
  • reducing the number of bowel movements;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • irritation in the anus;
  • burning sensation in the rectum;
  • the stool is steep and almost rocky;
  • blood impurities in the stool;
  • a very small proportion of feces excreted from the body;
  • the intestines are not completely emptied;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and nausea;
  • rumbling in the stomach and flatulence.

How to treat constipation during pregnancy

Side effects of almost all medications, their ability to penetrate the placental barrier, and discomfort in health are reasons that make it impossible to use most traditional methods of healing. Let's look at some of the most harmless options for treating constipation using both traditional medicine and home remedies.

What pregnant women can do for constipation: medications

The effects on the body of almost all means that facilitate bowel movements are to improve intestinal motility. Treatment of constipation during pregnancy with laxatives is used if adjustments to diet and lifestyle do not give the desired effect.

Taking into account that most pharmaceuticals are characterized by serious side effects, it is the responsibility of the doctor to prescribe them for the expectant mother and only after balancing the benefits of their use and the probable danger to the unborn child.

Constipation in pregnant women can be treated with the following medications:

  1. Rectal suppositories with glycerin stimulate the rectum and do not affect the hypertonicity of the uterus.
  2. Duphalac, Prelax - contain substances based on lactulose, retain water in the intestinal tract, which helps soften the stool, activates motility and intestinal evacuation function.
  3. Microclysters (Microlax) - the drug is characterized by rapid onset of results.
  4. Vaseline oil - helps soften the intestinal contents and facilitate their elimination.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

Undoubtedly, before using any of the home remedies to combat the disease, you need to consult with your doctor, since it is unknown how the body of a pregnant woman will respond to any drug.

The most famous methods of dealing with constipation that will not harm the expectant mother:

  • Dilute freshly squeezed potato juice with water (1:1), drink it three times a day, 1/4 cup before meals.
  • Squeeze the juice from 1 kg of red rowan, add 600 g of sugar to it, stir. Drink a quarter glass twice a day. The juice should be stored in a cool place.
  • Brew 1 teaspoon of flax seed with boiling water (200 ml). Leave for several hours, drink at night, without first filtering the seeds.

Should you see a doctor?

Constipation during pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly. Harmful substances that form in the large intestine during constipation can cause severe harm to the baby and the well-being of the pregnant woman. The frequent consequences of constipation can, in turn, provoke uterine hypertonicity, which can lead to miscarriage.

Constipation in pregnant women can lead to abnormalities in the intestinal microflora and contribute to the increased proliferation of bacteria. As a result of prolonged constipation, pathogenic bacteria freely enter the urinary system from the intestines. After some time, they can expose the genitals to infection, and also become the root cause of colpitis.

In addition, constipation during pregnancy in the first trimester increases the risk of purulent-septic complications in the future. For example, the possibility of postnatal endometritis or hemorrhoids during pregnancy increases, and the threat of premature birth increases.

What foods should you eat?

Since the treatment of constipation begins with non-medicinal measures, this first of all must include strict adherence to a certain diet.

You need to include in your daily menu more products with a maximum content of ballast elements, for example, wheat bran.

In addition, the use of kefir, prunes, and dried apricots in food helps reduce stool retention.

Source: https://shokomania.ru/preparaty-ot-zapora-dlja-beremennyh/

Laxative suppositories for constipation

Suppositories are most effective for chronic forms of constipation. There are 2 main types of rectal medications:

  1. Gas-forming:
  • Evacuation (500 – 600 rub.);
  • Bisacodyl (25 – 50 rub.);
  • Dulcolax (200-250 rubles).
  1. Glycerin:
  • suppositories with glycerin (100 – 120 rubles);
  • Glycelax (83 – 152 rub.);

The first category of drugs is prescribed for proctogenic constipation , the cause of which is a decrease in the sensitivity of intestinal receptors, weakening of the intestinal and pelvic muscles, the appearance of tumors, cracks, scars, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the anorectal area.

Suppositories of this type produce carbon dioxide, which irritates the intestinal receptors and stretches its walls. This improves peristalsis and promotes normal bowel movements.

Glycerin-based suppositories gently irritate the intestinal mucosa, softening stool and promoting natural bowel movements. However, it is worth remembering that drugs in this category are contraindicated for people with inflammation in the anorectal area, for example, hemorrhoids.

Causes of constipation in pregnant women

There are many factors that cause stool problems during pregnancy. The main ones will be considered:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  • Insufficient consumption of water and other liquids due to the appearance of edema.
  • Drinking enough fluids and eating fruit will help restore proper bowel function and regulate bowel movements.
  1. Taking medications containing calcium and iron.
  • These chemical elements have a binding effect, which provokes fecal retention.
  • A laxative will help solve the problem.
  1. Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Due to the large amount of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) produced, digestive function is impaired.
  • Progesterone reduces the tone of the uterus and thereby relaxes the intestinal muscles responsible for bowel movements.
  1. Insufficient physical activity in later stages.

The closer to childbirth, the woman begins to limit her movement due to weight gain and pain in the spine (associated with fetal pressure).

  1. Fetal position.

In the last stages of pregnancy, the fetus's head presses on the intestinal walls.

  1. Emotional changes.

Frequent mood swings, fear and anxiety before the upcoming birth also provoke constipation.

Laxative teas for constipation

For constipation, you can make a special tea, which, when prepared correctly, has a laxative effect. This drink is less dangerous than tablets, syrups and other medications, and also has fewer contraindications.

Pharmacists recommend using the following medications to prevent and eliminate symptoms of constipation:

  • "Hay leaf";
  • "Flying Swallow";
  • Evalar "Fitolax".

These and similar teas are sold in pharmacies and sometimes in supermarkets.

Tea Fitolax

There are also 100% natural teas that you can prepare at home:

  1. Green tea without flavorings or other additives. Drink 1 time on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 more time before bed. The effect is temporary - it lasts for the first 2-3 days from the moment you start taking it, then the body gets used to it.
  2. Herbal tea. Mix anise fruit (1.5 tsp), buckthorn bark (3 tsp), yarrow herb (1 tsp), licorice root (1.5 tsp), nettle leaves (2 tsp) .l.), joster fruits (1.5 tsp) and hay leaves (1.5 tsp). The mixture is filled with water (0.5 l) and infused for 40 minutes. 1/3 tbsp. The strained infusion is drunk at night.

You can also purchase one herb at the pharmacy (senna leaves, plantain seeds, joster fruits, sea buckthorn seeds, St. John's wort, buckthorn bark, elecampane root) and prepare an infusion according to the instructions presented on the package.

Causes of constipation at different stages of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, problems with bowel movements are most often caused by hormonal changes in the woman’s body. The hormone progesterone, the active production of which occurs during the attachment of the fertilized egg, reduces the tone of smooth muscles. Having an effect on the uterus, it helps the organ prepare for rapid growth and stretching, maintaining pregnancy. An increase in its level has a negative effect on the intestines: it relaxes and interferes with the normal movement of feces.

From about 20 weeks of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, which leads to problems with stool. Having a bowel movement every 2-3 days is practically the norm for the second and third trimesters.

Expectant mothers are recommended to take a complex of vitamins and minerals for pregnant women. Almost all of them contain calcium, iron and magnesium, which are necessary to maintain the functions of the placenta and adequate nutrition of the fetus. But due to their strengthening properties, vitamin supplements can cause constipation during pregnancy.

Changing your diet and limiting your fluid intake is another reason for constipation or constipation during pregnancy. To prevent edema, pregnant women often exclude foods with a high fluid content from their diet - fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber. Their absence in the daily menu upsets the functioning of the intestines, leading to a decrease in the volume and retention of feces.

Is it possible to do an enema for constipation and how often?

In particularly advanced cases, when neither medications nor folk remedies give the desired result, you can resort to radical actions - give a cleansing enema.

The procedure must be performed strictly according to the recommendations of the treating specialist and only when other methods do not help.

If you have constipation due to Hirschsprung's disease, which is accompanied by a lack of normal bowel movements, an enema is necessary. This also applies to patients suffering from dolichosigma and paralytic ileus. In such cases, medications or a special diet do not always help fully. Therefore, a weekly bowel cleansing procedure with an enema is allowed for them.

In rare cases, the number of times can be increased to one enema every 3 days, then drugs that restore the intestinal flora are additionally prescribed.

If the doctor has rendered a verdict of “lazy bowels,” then giving an enema is allowed no more than 2 times a month. In old age, instead of a water solution, oils can be used to cleanse the intestines (up to 2 times a week).

At the same time, we should not forget that frequent such procedures provoke the development of intestinal dysbiosis, because regular enemas disrupt the natural microflora.

Prevention methods

Constipation is diagnosed in a woman when she complains of no bowel movements for 24 hours. Every time she goes to the toilet she has to make some effort. This dramatically increases the risk of uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, the answer to the question whether pregnant women can push if they are constipated should be answered in the negative. On the other hand, a woman cannot otherwise empty her bowels. If you follow fairly simple recommendations, the appearance of this issue during the period of waiting for the child can be avoided. Prevention of such a delicate problem includes:

  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • daily consumption of fermented milk products;
  • exclusion of food “garbage” from the diet (fried and fatty foods, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.);
  • active lifestyle and participation in feasible sports;
  • adequate fluid intake.

Difficult bowel movements for 9 months is a fairly common and at the same time characteristic phenomenon for this period. When the initial symptoms of the disorder appear, you can try to eliminate it with a special diet or folk remedies. If severe pain occurs, you will need to consult a gynecologist and, most likely, take medications. In order not to expose your body to medicinal effects, you should take care to prevent constipation in pregnant women in advance.

Laxative products for constipation in adults

Patients suffering from constipation are advised to include dried fruits in their diet:

  • apples;
  • cherry;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots

You should eat them on an empty stomach or drink compote made from them. Juices from:

  • spinach;
  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • celery;
  • carrots.

Doctors also advise eating more vegetables, onions, fermented milk products, cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley), and sauerkraut.

Constipation during pregnancy - what to do?

Cases of constipation during pregnancy are not uncommon. Doctors recommend expectant mothers to resort to a special diet that includes foods rich in fiber. If laxative products do not help, then medications are used.

Laxative products for constipation in pregnant and lactating women

It is advisable to add to the diet of pregnant women:

  • fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir);
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • beets;
  • zucchini;
  • dried fruits;
  • apples.

No less useful are sour cabbage soup, vegetable fats that stimulate peristalsis, and kvass.

Safe constipation medications for pregnant women

When treating pregnant or nursing mothers for constipation, the main thing is not to harm either the mother or the child. Therefore, most medications are contraindicated during this period.

What to do if pregnant women are constipated:

  • use suppositories containing glycerin;
  • drink syrups that can be used for a long period, and suspensions that have a milder effect than suppositories (for example, Duphalac).

But, even despite the maximum safety of using approved drugs, doctors recommend instead resorting to a proper diet and normal physical activity.

Main reasons

The main reason for problems with bowel movements during pregnancy is hormonal changes. Outside of pregnancy, the body continuously produces substances that stimulate the contraction of internal muscles. The innervation of the uterus and intestines is the same. As a result, when one organ relaxes, a similar effect is observed in another. This process can lead to miscarriage.

To avoid such a violation, the body is gradually rebuilt, creating a kind of protection. One of the negative consequences of such changes is constipation during pregnancy. How to get rid of it using medicines or recipes from traditional healers will be discussed below.

Among other reasons that contribute to defecation disorders during pregnancy, doctors identify:

  1. Increased levels of progesterone in the blood. Excessive production of the hormone negatively affects the functioning of the intestines, weakening its tone.
  2. Compression of the intestines by the walls of the uterus. This is a natural process due to the growth of the child inside the womb. Therefore, in the later stages, constipation in pregnant women is very common.
  3. Presence of foods high in iron in the diet.
  4. Stressful situations.
  5. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle provokes blood stagnation in the lower extremities. As a result, blood circulation in the intestines and its motor function are disrupted.
  6. Lack of fluid in the body. Every day a pregnant woman should drink at least 2 liters of clean water.
  7. Internal diseases. We are talking primarily about hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

If a woman suffered from constipation before pregnancy, this problem will not go away during pregnancy. Unfortunately, during the period of bearing a baby, its course only worsens.

Constipation in a newborn baby - what to do?

If a newborn is constipated, you must act with extreme caution.

Constipation remedies for children

There are three types of laxatives for babies under one year of age:

  • rectal suppositories;
  • solutions and syrups;
  • microenemas.

Suppositories for newborns are topical medications, so they do not have a negative effect on the baby’s body as a whole.

Glycerin suppositories are the safest. For newborns (0-1 month), no more than 1/8 of the suppository is used. For older children, the dosage is doubled.

Liquid products include:

  • Prelax;
  • Duphalac;
  • Normolakt.

The new generation microenema Microlax is especially fast-acting.

Having chosen any of the presented means, do not forget that they should be used in extreme cases. Otherwise, the baby’s intestines may get used to outside help and stop working normally on their own.

How to massage a newborn with constipation

A properly performed abdominal massage can relieve spasms and increase the tone of the intestinal muscles (improve peristalsis). You should perform stroking movements with light pressure in a clockwise direction. Additionally, you can place a warm cloth (diaper or towel) between your hand and the baby’s stomach.

How to give an enema to a newborn for constipation

The volume of fluid administered during an enema depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 1 month – less than 25 ml of water;
  • from 1 month to six months – from 30 to 60 ml;
  • from 6 to 12 months – about 120 ml;
  • 1-2 years – 120-200 ml.

To avoid injury and discomfort to your child, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  • rinse the pear, including the inside, with boiling water;
  • check that there is not a drop of boiling water left inside the syringe;
  • lay the baby on his back and raise his legs;
  • fill the pear with the required amount of warm water (approximately 28-30°C);
  • lubricate the tip of the bulb and the anus of the newborn with Vaseline;
  • remove remaining air by squeezing the syringe until the first drops appear;
  • carefully (without effort) insert the enema 3-5 cm inside the anus;
  • slowly squeeze the pear and then pull it out without unclenching;
  • squeeze the baby’s buttocks for 2-3 minutes, preventing the rapid release of fluid.

When the procedure is carried out correctly, the child has a natural urge to defecate.

Causes of constipation in the early stages

Changes in hormonal levels. This is one of the common causes of constipation in pregnant women. In the first months after conception, active hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body to prepare for bearing a child, in particular, the production of progesterone increases significantly. It reduces the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs so that the fertilized egg is safely implanted in the uterus. Unfortunately, this also has a peculiar side effect - the work of the digestive tract slows down, intestinal motility worsens, and constipation may occur in the early stages. In addition, women often sharply reduce their physical activity, which can also provoke a disorder. Considering all this, it is not surprising that an expectant mother may ask herself several times a week: “What should a pregnant woman do if she is constipated?” Effective laxatives during early pregnancy are often one of the most popular drugs among expectant mothers.

Diet disorder . Another common problem is swelling, so many women limit their intake of fluids and foods containing large amounts of water (vegetables, fruits). Gastroenterologists do not recommend doing this, since fluid and fiber (dietary fiber) are extremely important for the normal functioning of the rectum.

Taking iron and calcium containing drugs. Doctors sometimes prescribe special medications to pregnant women that promote normal nutrition of the fetus - medications and dietary supplements containing calcium and iron. These substances have a fixing effect and can cause constipation in the early stages. That is why laxatives for pregnant women are found in the medicine cabinets of so many women.

Constipation in a child 2-3 years old, 5,6,7 years old - what to do?

If a child aged six months or older does not have a natural bowel movement at least once a day, it is necessary to resort to special therapeutic measures.

Laxatives for constipation for young children

Children's medications for constipation are produced on the basis of lactulose (Lactusan, Prelax, Duphalac). These prebiotics soften stool and normalize peristalsis. Children aged 5-7 years are given medications no more than 2 times a day for a maximum of 1-2 weeks. The dosage is prescribed in the instructions for the medications.

Children with constipation as a result of spasms are helped by Duspatalin and Mebeverine tablets , as well as the laxative Guttalax (for children over 4 years old), Microlax and Buscopan suppositories. The probiotic “Baktisubtil” also has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Good natural remedies for constipation for babies are carrot juice and Carlsbad salt (no more than 1 tsp per day). Natural medicines enrich the child’s body with macroelements, minerals and vitamins, and also restore the water-salt balance.


Another popular way to relieve a child from constipation is the use of Glycelax suppositories containing glycerin, which normalize peristalsis.

Diet for a child against constipation

Before switching to drug treatment for constipation in children, doctors usually prescribe a laxative diet, including chicken eggs, meat and oils. The therapeutic diet requires the little patient to adhere to the following rules:

  • add to the menu coarse-fiber porridges (barley and buckwheat), fermented milk products (kefir, bifido drinks, plain yoghurts and curdled milk), bran or whole grain bread, fruits and more liquid (pure water and juices);
  • exclude foods that cause stool thickening (baked goods, pasta, rice porridge, whole milk, unpeeled apples and bananas);
  • remove from the daily menu dishes that reduce peristalsis (products containing tannin or caffeine: cocoa, coffee, chocolate, tea and blueberries), as well as jelly and enveloping soups and porridges;
  • Avoid gas-forming foods (legumes, tomatoes, cabbage and mushrooms).

If the doctor has diagnosed intestinal inflammation, the child is transferred to more strict diets No. 3 or No. 4.

Diet and nutrition

The nutrition of the expectant mother should be as balanced as possible. If problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur, it is recommended to review your daily diet. What is the difference between the diet for constipation in pregnant women?

First of all, doctors advise eating more foods rich in plant fiber. This food component is not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. On the contrary, it promotes the formation of loose feces due to swelling upon contact with water. These two components significantly speed up and facilitate the process of bowel movement.

Foods rich in plant fiber include:

  • almost all vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, peppers, beets);
  • some fruits (plums, apricots, peaches, grapes);
  • berries (raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, currants);
  • legumes and cereals (oats, corn, barley, beans);
  • bran and wholemeal bread.

Meals for pregnant women should be fractional. You should eat every 3-4 hours, but in small portions. Vegetables and fruits are preferably consumed raw. It is better to cut the meat into large pieces, which will further stimulate the intestines.

What else can pregnant women do for constipation? Fermented milk products have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract system. It is recommended to pay special attention to kefir and yogurts, because they contain bifidobacteria. You will have to give up some foods until your baby is born. We are talking about the following products:

  • strong tea and coffee, chocolate;
  • fatty foods;
  • baked goods and various baked goods.

If a pregnant woman also suffers from increased gas formation, it is better to exclude cabbage, legumes and spinach from the diet.

Laxatives for constipation for the elderly

For older people, it is recommended to select gentle medications. Gentle laxatives include drugs containing lactulose. To relieve constipation, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • laxative suppositories (Glycerin 160-180 rub., Bisacodyl 25-30 rub.);
  • tablets (Senade 500-600 rub.);
  • powders (Forlax 150-400 rub.);
  • herbal medicines (Fitolax 180-300 rubles, Proctophytol 60-80 rubles).

There are other laxatives that can make bowel movements easier for older people. They often contain rhubarb, senna, castor oil, phenolphthalein and other components that irritate the intestinal receptor apparatus.

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