Ointments for hemorrhoids
There are many medications for hemorrhoids, you can buy them at the pharmacy kiosk or prepare them yourself right in the kitchen. However, a patient looking for the ideal ointment for external or internal hemorrhoids must understand that everything is too individual, and giving preference to one drug is not correct. And only a doctor can choose the right medicine.
The thing is that hemorrhoids can be accompanied by various symptoms that poison the patient’s life. This may include itching and burning of the rectal area, the appearance of painful cracks in the anus, severe pain during and without defecation, bleeding, swelling and inflammation, and nodes falling out. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor selects the appropriate drug.
Proven medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women
In complex therapy, drops and tablets are also used, which have a general effect on the body. Pharmacies offer large quantities of similar drugs for hemorrhoids, their prices range from 100-500 rubles. For example, there are medications from the group of venotonics (Venozol, Venarus, Detralex) that improve blood microcirculation processes, preventing stagnation, which is effective for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Painkillers and antispasmodic analgesics (Ketorolac, Baralgin and others) relieve pain, fight inflammation and spasms in men.
But it is necessary to use these drugs as medicines for hemorrhoids, the price of which is affordable for most patients, only after consultation with a doctor and a comprehensive examination, because careless use of medications can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Men have their weaknesses and one of them is hemorrhoids. This disease is indirectly related to the patient’s gender. According to medical statistics, about 75% of men suffer from hemorrhoids. The age group ranges from 30 to 50 years. This is explained by the fact that representatives of the stronger sex ignore the problem and postpone visiting the doctor, thereby aggravating the situation.
Pharmacological companies offer a wide range of different drugs to treat a delicate problem. Their action is concentrated on:
- elimination of symptoms;
- stopping bleeding;
- reduction of inflammation and swelling;
- strengthening vascular walls.
Many medicines are developed based on natural ingredients. This group of drugs has a gentle effect and practically does not cause adverse reactions.
When visiting a doctor with a problem such as hemorrhoids, medications are most often prescribed
It is definitely difficult to say which medicine for hemorrhoids is more effective for men. Treatment, as a rule, is strictly individual and depends on the stage and form of development of hemorrhoids, the severity of symptoms and the health status of the patients. In the early stages, this pathology is treated with medications.
Drug treatment of hemorrhoids in men involves the use of:
- tablets;
- capsules;
- candles;
- ointments;
- creams.
At an advanced stage, surgical intervention may be required:
- photocoagulation;
- operation using the Longo method;
- ligation with latex rings;
- the use of sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids;
- hemorrhoidectomy;
- suture ligation.
The greatest effect in treating the disease is achieved with complex therapy. You can achieve the desired result only by following all medical recommendations and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Unfortunately, medications for hemorrhoids do not always help: men may experience various types of complications that require surgical intervention
Despite the wide variety of medications, you should not self-medicate. Only a proctologist can choose the right therapy, after first conducting a full examination to determine the cause of the disease.
Tablets and capsules
Tablets and capsules are an ideal option for busy men. Drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men have a number of advantages. Tablets and capsules are simple and easy to use. You can drink them anytime and anywhere. Tablet drugs eliminate not only the symptoms of pathology, but also effectively affect the intestines, improving its permeability and reducing the risk of constipation.
The agents are classified according to their mechanism of action:
- vein protectors;
- hemostatics;
- anticoagulants;
- vitamins;
- phlebotonics;
- analgesics;
- bioflavonoids.
Depending on the form of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient, the following tablet preparations are distinguished:
- Painkillers. Used during periods of exacerbation. They quickly relieve pain and fight the factors that caused the onset of the disease (“Phlebodia”, “Nise”, “Pentalgin”).
- Venotonic. They normalize venous outflow, improve blood circulation, and tone the veins (Eskuzan, Detralex, Normoven).
Ointments demonstrate positive dynamics in the treatment of hemorrhoids
- Laxatives. Prescribed in combination with other medications. They prevent the development of constipation, improve intestinal motility and normalize its microflora. (“Regulax”, “Laxatin”, “Guttalax”).
- Hemostatic. Used only for acute hemorrhoids. The tablets are prescribed by a doctor (“Pileks”, “Asklezan A”, “Ginkor Forte”).
Tablet medications for hemorrhoids in men cannot guarantee a 100% cure, so you should consult a specialist before using them.
Which ointment to choose?
At the initial stage of the disease, ointments are considered effective. They delicately affect the area of inflammation, have an anti-inflammatory, drying and restorative effect. Depending on the composition, some ointments have a hemostatic or antithrombotic effect.
The advantage of using ointments is ease of use. The product has a local effect, thereby reducing the risk of developing systemic side effects. The effectiveness of the ointment is determined by the stage of the disease, the individual characteristics of the body and the presence of concomitant pathologies.
The following ointments have worked well:
- "Heparin";
- "Relief";
- "Hepatrombin G";
- "Proctosan."
Heparin ointment - relieves pain, relieves inflammation, improves blood flow, prevents the formation of blood clots and resolves existing blood clots. The remedy is used for all forms of the disease. Average price 75 rub.
"Relief" is the most popular remedy for hemorrhoids for men. Contains shark liver oil. Thanks to this, the ointment has a hemostatic, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. It also relieves swelling and relieves itching in the anus. Price from 350 rub.
"Hepatrombin G" - stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, improves blood flow, relieves pain, strengthens vascular walls. Price varies by region. The average cost of Hepatrombin G is 160 rubles.
"Proctosan" - developed on the basis of bufexamac and lidocaine. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The effectiveness of treatment is observed at stages 1-2 of the disease. The ointment quickly relieves itching and heals anal fissures. Price from 300 rub.
Rectal suppositories
Rectal suppositories are especially popular in the treatment of delicate problems. They are non-toxic, do not cause allergies and quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. But no matter what benefits suppositories have, they are not intended for self-medication.
Pharmacological companies offer a large selection of rectal suppositories. They differ in their mechanism of action:
- Anti-inflammatory. This group includes suppositories developed on the basis of prednisolone or hydrocortisone (“Relief”, “Proctosan”, “Anuzol”).
- Painkillers. Contains lidocaine or benzocaine. They are used for exacerbation of the disease (Anestezol, Procto-Glivenol, suppositories with novocaine).
- Anticoagulants. Direct action candles. Prevents the formation of blood stagnation (Hepatrobin G, Nigepan).
- Hemostatic. Stop anal bleeding, heal fissures (“Anuzol”, “Neo-Anuzol”).
Rectal suppositories have a number of contraindications. General contraindications include infectious inflammatory processes in the rectum, tumors, tuberculosis, and diabetes. Partial contraindications include individual intolerance to the components.
Prescribing treatment for hemorrhoids is the prerogative of a proctologist. The method of treatment is selected depending on the clinical picture of the disease.
For uncomplicated hemorrhoids, anticoagulants are indicated to resolve blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones. With a more pronounced clinical picture, anesthetics are indicated.
In this case, a good remedy is considered to be one that contains anesthesin, neomycin, lidocaine, benzocaine or lauromacrogol (Emla, Olestesin, Nigepan).
A good remedy for hemorrhoids is Procto-Glivenol. It stops anal bleeding and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. When the inflammatory process develops, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Levomekol. If itching is added to the symptoms, then hormonal drugs are prescribed - “Aurobin”, “Ultraproct”.
The course of treatment and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician, otherwise an overdose and the development of adverse reactions are possible.
During treatment, preventive measures should be followed. Heavy side dishes, carbonated sweet drinks, black coffee and tea should be excluded from the diet.
After each bowel movement, wash with cool water. Exercise.
Almost 40% of patients who consult a proctologist suffer from hemorrhoids. This is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by the expansion of varicose veins of the rectum, and hemorrhoids also form.
This brings discomfort and pain, the disease progresses slowly, but in an advanced stage, immediate surgical intervention may be required.
You should consider the groups of medications that can be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Each of the groups has a special effect and indications for use, so the use of each of the medications is possible only after consultation with a doctor.
Drug groups:
- Benzopyrones. These medications are suitable for both treatment and prevention of the disease. They are taken in courses as prescribed by a doctor if there are symptoms such as itching or burning of the anus. They are also used in the presence of anal fissures; drugs from the benzopyrone group are characterized by a rapid healing effect.
- Antispasmodics. This type of medication helps reduce pain and discomfort and dull discomfort.
- Heparin-based drugs. Ointment and combination medications help dilate the veins of the rectum and reduce hemorrhoids in the anus.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs not only treat hemorrhoids, but also help reduce pain, if any.
- Medicines for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Hemorrhoids can sometimes be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that cause inflammation and pain. This is due to poor stool consistency and poor food digestion.
- Phlebotonics. The safest drugs are those that consist of natural ingredients and regulate venous blood flow.
- Enzymes. Natural preparations that have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve rectal spasms.
Vishnevsky ointment
An equally popular ointment for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids is Vishnevsky ointment. Although the range of its use is wide, it is often prescribed for pathologies of the rectum. However, you need to know how to use the drug. Doctors advise first carrying out a three-day course of treatment using baths and compresses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate several times a day. After this treatment, you can begin to apply compresses with Vishnevsky ointment to the affected area at night. The compress can be kept on the nodes for up to 12 hours. The ointment is harmless and approved for treatment by pregnant and lactating women.
Means for coagulation
To carry out therapy using this method, thermal effects on blood clots are used. Against this background, internal and external formations are eliminated. The laser is directed to the stem of the node. This helps to shrink the tissue and stop the flow of blood to the nodes. This is a quick and painless treatment.
After coagulation, lifting heavy objects is prohibited. The body recovers over several days. Therefore, during the rehabilitation process, sensitivity to the anorectal area may remain.
If the complex course of hemorrhoids is confirmed, cryodestruction is prescribed. The essence of therapy: treatment of nodes with low temperature. For this purpose, a “Cryoprobe” apparatus is used, connected to a nitrogen cylinder. Tubes are used to regulate the gas supply.
Therapy for nodes is effective at any stage except stage 4. At the last stage, the lumps spread over a large area. Using diagnostic procedures, the proctologist identifies a significant lesion. With this diagnosis, hemorrhoidectomy is performed.
Cryotherapy has the following advantages:
- no anesthesia required;
- Treatment is carried out with drugs that act as a local freezing drug that eliminates pain. If the disease is detected at an early stage, this remedy is not administered;
- manipulation is carried out in the presence of internal and external nodes;
- The patient is not hospitalized. The procedure is performed in a clinical setting;
- fast rehabilitation;
- minor blood loss;
- There is no discomfort after the operation.
Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not have the opportunity to go to the pharmacy kiosk and buy the most effective medications for the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones. They skillfully used the gifts of nature to prepare ointments from natural ingredients.
Flaxseed ointment
Grind the dried toadflax flowers into powder to make two tablespoons. Place the powder in a glass glass and add one tbsp. l. alcohol The mixture should be hidden from light and left for 5 hours. In the meantime, steam 10 tablespoons of lard, which we then add to the flaxseed and place in a steam bath for three hours. We pass the ointment through gauze, let it cool, and apply it to the nodes.
Strawberry ointment
Pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons. l. wild strawberry leaves and leave for half an hour. Then we strain the broth and use it for lotions, and place the strawberry leaves on the nodes themselves. This remedy will remove inflammation of the rectal area and bleeding of various types.
Beet ointment
In general, beets can be used in various forms to treat hemorrhoids. This vegetable is not only used to make compresses, but also ointments. To do this, you need to finely grate the beets, that is, literally make porridge out of them and lubricate the rectal area with such ointment.
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